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The Highgate Charitable Relief Fund provides need-based grants to eligible associates who face expenses resulting directly from: 


  • Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornado's, fires, hurricanes, or floods

  • Other personal emergency events such as house fires, ruptured pipes, or death


There is a maximum grant amount available, and the awarded sum will depend on the nature of the event and related expenses as well as the extent of the applicant's financial need. 


Grants from the Highgate Charitable Relief Fund do not require repayment. Grants must be used to pay for recovery and related temporary living expenses that are not payable (or reimbursable from) other sources such as insurance.


Please complete the online form below.



Highgate Associate Relief Fund Grant Application

Section I - Associate Information

Do you own or rent your home?
If renting, do you have renter's insurance?
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